Rotary Youth Exchange District 5180 currently exchanges with many different countries around the world. No matter what your tastes or interests, we probably have a country that will work for you. The country list varies from year to year, and placement in a specific country is not guaranteed. Approach this list with a curious, open mind. No matter where you might go, an adventure awaits. You will be asked to give us your top four or five country choices during district interviews in November. The countries you have chosen will be considered but are not guaranteed.
If you are vegetarian, you should consider countries such as India, Japan, Taiwan and Thailand, where such a diet is more the norm. Most of our partner countries will not accommodate major dietary restrictions. If, however, you have food allergies, are lactose intolerant or have religious dietary restrictions, these needs may be accommodated:
- France strongly prefers that you have some French language proficiency prior to your arrival.
- Some countries do not accept candidates who have tattoos or piercings. You will be asked to remove facial piercings upon arrival.
- Some countries also do not allow you to wear any type of jewelry to school; you must be sure to follow those rules.
- Many countries offer a required language camp soon after arrival; most of these are at additional cost. Information will be available with your acceptance paperwork regarding cost and dates. Please be aware that this could cost between $200-$1500 more, in addition to other expenses identified.
- Many countries will not accept students who are 18 or older at the time they arrive. If you are a graduated high-school senior or you will be 18 when you depart for exchange, you must be very flexible in your country selection.
Age Requirements
Most students depart between late July and early Sept. A student must be at least 15 ½ (15 years, 6 months) at time of departure to be eligible to participate in the program. Some countries require inbound students to be 16 at the time of arrival. A student should not be older than 18 on the departure date. Please note that most countries will only accept students 17 years of age or younger, so we cannot guarantee placement for those 18 or older.