Who Are We
Rotary International
Rotary International is the world's oldest and most international service organization, with over 1.2 million members in 35,784 clubs, in more than 156 countries. The official Rotary motto is, "Service Above Self" and Rotarians live their lives in accordance with the Four Way Test. Rotary International is made up of business and professional leaders, united worldwide, dedicated to humanitarian service and ethical standards in business. Rotarians promote world understanding and peace through programs like Rotary Youth Exchange.
You can find out more about our wonderful organization and its many programs and projects by visiting the Rotary International website.

What is Rotary Youth Exchange?

Each year almost 7,000 students from more than 71 countries will enrich their lives. They will see the world the way it is best seen - from the inside out - through Rotary Youth Exchange.
Who can participate? The youth exchange program is open to qualified young men and women between the ages of 15 and 19. The sons and daughters of Non-Rotarians and Rotarians are eligible. Applicants are to be approved by a local Rotary club on the basis of a written application and personal interview.
Rotary District 5180 has 37 clubs and encompasses the Sacramento, Sutter, Yuba County with parts of Butte, El Dorado, Placer, and Yolo counties.
We meet regularly, get to know each other, form friendships, and through that, we’re able to help our communities to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, and promote peace under the Rotary International motto: Service Above Self.
District 5180 is a member of the Western States Student Exchange (WESSEX) group located in Northern California and has been an active participant in RYE for over 20 years. WESSEX was incorporated in 1995 and D5180 is one of its charter Districts.
What is Western States Student Exchange (WESSEX)?
WESSEX is a non-commercial organization formed by fifteen Rotary International Districts in the western United States who have pooled their resources to provide you effective and efficient services. WESSEX has an established network of trusted Rotarians involved in Youth Exchange throughout the world helping to ensure a successful and safe exchange for your son or daughter. For the high school year inbound students, they make available an incredible tour of the Western States and a Hawaiian adventure.