Become a Volunteer

The Rotary Youth Exchange program depends on volunteers, both Rotarian and non-Rotarian. Most Host families are not Rotarian families and persons involved in RYE activities with exchange students are considered volunteers in the program.

RYE appreciates anyone’s interest in serving as a volunteer, and we are confident that it would be a truly rewarding experience for you.

Volunteer opportunities can include:

  • Being a club’s Youth Exchange Officer (YEO) (must be Rotarian).
  • Being a RYE Counselor for an Inbound or Outbound exchange student.
  • Being a Host family.
  • Assisting at events or on RYE trips.
  • Assisting in planning RYE events or trips.
  • Assisting with RYE administrative tasks (must be a Rotarian).
  • Serving on the RYE committee and/or becoming a RYE officer.

The US State Department requires that we obtain the information and conduct background checks on all potential volunteers. We assure you that the information that we receive will be treated confidentially. This is a fairly quick process that is done on-line through our protected system.

Depending on the volunteer level, Department of State and Youth Protection testing is required. This is done, of course, for your and the students protection and to ensure required procedures are consistent throughout the program.

For more information, contact